

Regular price $445.00

Double the impact, wild and free! That's our Beth. ⁣

If you are a fan of 𝘠𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘦, you’ll be a fan of Beth. ⁣The most loyal you can ask for, but do not mess with Beth! ⁣

The pheasant coucal feathers I used to create Beth have a story, too, as all my feather pieces do, arriving to me in a bag with the words Happy Birthday from my mate Mal.⁣

Mal had gathered up the feathers from a lonely outback road. ⁣Always keen to give feathers another flight I soaked, cleaned and preened the feathers to their current glory, and mirrored their construction as the two faces of our Beth, who’s character we are both endeared to and scared of at once. ⁣

The creation is complete with double layered vintage veiling and a touch of bling; could this be masking the truth? ⁣